The 4 types of PCOS

4 types of PCOS, say what?

The typical PCOS patient is charging greatly, not fitting all the symptoms and criteria. More and more women are getting diagnosed. Here is a brief description to each: 

1. Insulin Resistance: this is the most common PCOS driver. These women have irregular periods and elevated androgens plus insulin resistance. 

Simple tips for Insulin resistance PCOS...quite sugar, take magnesium, consider a PCOS supplement and maybe a anti-androgen supplement plus acupuncture and herbs.

2. Post pill PCOS: the pill worsens insulin resistance, the pill suppresses ovulation and therefore some women continue to not ovulate for mo this or even years after. You qualify for post pill PCOS if you have irregular periods, elevated androgens, plus insulin resistance and you were fine before starting the pill. 

Simple ways to improve symptoms for post pill PCOS...manage stress, eat enough, consider zinc, acupuncture and herbs.

3. Inflammatory PCOS: these ladies do not fit the typical PCOS patient, as insulin does not play a role. These ladies have irregular periods, are NOT insulin resistant, elevated androgens, periods were not effected by birth control, plus you have symptoms of inflammation (headaches, fatigue, joint pain, skin conditions, etc). 

Simple tips for inflammatory PCOS... avoid wheat and cows dairy, identity food sensitivities, consider zinc, acupuncture and herbs.

4. Adrenal PCOS: you have adrenal PCOS you don’t have insulin resistance, were not negatively affected by coming off the pill, no inflammation signs, have normal ovarian androgens (testosterone) but elevated adrenal androgens (DHEAS). 

Simple tips for adrenal PCOS...reduce stress, consider supplements to regulate HPA axis (like magnesium), acupuncture and herbs.

Want more info? Read the Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden.