Best Food for your Hormones? Eat enough!

So many things affect our hormones, everything from our environment to stress levels to our genetics to how we move our bodies. Here is some insight on nutrition.

The average woman needs to be eating at LEAST 2300 calories a day and just goes up from there depending on activity level. Women tend to under eat across the board and this my friends messes with everything from mental health to hormones to energy to digestion and so on. The affects over time can be detrimental. 

When it comes to food, it’s more about feeding your body. Keep it simple. Eating continually throughout the day and if possible pair your foods with a healthy fat or protein to balance those blood sugars. But honestly don’t over think it! Eating 3 meals with a morning and afternoon snack is a great place to start. Another biggie is make sure to eat carbs, we need them to ovulate and have a healthy periods.

But I don’t have an appetite, what then? To begin rebuilding and turning your metabolism on you must start eating. I like baby steps, start with eating breakfast or incorporating snacks. Go to the store and listen to what really sounds good, this will give you more digestive fire. Warming/cooked foods in Chinese medicine help warm the uterus, so cook/stir fry/stem those veggies!

Look at it like this, how’s food affecting your quality of life? How do you feel overall? Our bodies cry out for more food/balance with symptoms like headaches, fatigue, digestive upset, anxiety, ect. Let’s start listening and feeding ourselves!
