A Little Rant about Breastfeeding...

Breastfeeding. Hands down the best nutrition for baby. Many enjoy and love breastfeeding and that is beyond wonderful. It can be such a fulfilling experience and brings joy to you and baby. BUT what if that's not you?

So many mommies struggle with breastfeeding, it's tougher than most know. From struggling with low milk supply to a baby who refuses the bottle to forceful letdown to pumping difficulties to milk imbalance to tongue tie to clogged ducts and the icing on the cake is postpartum recovery and newborn demands. How the heck do mommies stay sane?

Breastfeeding can be straight up hard and I'm not saying to easily give up (give it all you got) but consider this... 
Mommies, you are badass beyond belief. I know you love that baby with such intensity. But my dear dear momma, you matter too! If breastfeeding comes to a point where your happiness levels are being effected too greatly, it's okay to let go. It's okay to supplement. It's okay to drop a few feeds. It's okay to stop altogether because sweet love, you too matter.

If you are to a tipping point I'm here for ya. For all things breastfeeding I support with nutritional tips, herbs and acupuncture too. But please remember you matter too. Xoxo~ Katie