A Story of Infertility

Let me tell you story, a story of 1 in 8 women.

Imagine month after month of wondering and worrying those two weeks post ovulation. Am I pregnant? Should I have that drink? Do I feel different? Is this PMS or am I?

Imagine waking up and hoping with every part of your soul today is the day. Staring at a pregnancy test praying to see a line.

Imagine losing baby after baby, trying to rebuild your body and mental state time and time again.

Imagine plumping yourself FULL of hormones, risking it all with IVF and failing.

Imagine seeing babies everywhere and hearing about women getting pregnant by accident or by just looking at their husband, gut wrenching.

Imagine doing everything possible from the perfect diet to supplements to the proper workouts to managing stress to acupuncture to herbs to fertility treatments but are unable to conceive or lose your baby.

This is the life for 1 in 8 women. These are the the strongest souls I know. The heartache is unimaginable, it’s more heart being torn open day in and day out. Often these women are told they are too stressed, this is BS. Infertility is not caused by stress, infertility causes stress.

Their grief is this, grief is love with no place to call it home. It shows up in the lumps in the throats, in the corners of the eyes and the hollows in the chest.

I see you sweet sweet souls ️Katie