How does Chinese Medicine Support Fertility?

Your fertility journey, we can help! Here are the basics…

Cycle regulation, it’s all in the timing. Optimal ovulation happens around day 14 of your cycle and is followed by a period 2 weeks later. This timing allows the egg to develop properly and gives time for implantation. Chinese herbs are wonderful for this, nourishing/replenishing the first half and warming/relieving PMS the second half.

Supports a strong ovulation. Did you know many women don’t ovulate every month? Your body needs the right signals to. Acupuncture alone can encourage a strong ovulation by increasing blood flow to the uterus.

Nourish egg development. It takes 3 months for an egg to mature. Taking this time to support egg quality is foundational to a healthy pregnancy. Adding fertility building foods, regular acupuncture and targeted supplements get you there.

Honestly trying for a baby is stressful to say the least. Acupuncture basically reminds the body it is safe by teaching it how to tap into parasympathetic mode.

These are the basics and everybody is different, that’s what makes this medicine beautiful! Questions, we got you!