Pregnancy and Weight Gain, A New Approach

Let’s chat about weight gain in pregnancy…

How can we have more body love during pregnancy? First, throw those weight gain scales out the window! Every body is different and it intuitively knows how to support YOUR pregnancy. Our body changes so much and can stir up old body image issues. The last thing you need is a provider talking about weight or getting weighed at every visit. In fact in the UK women only get weighed at their first prenatal visit!

As a Health at Every Size provider and a Women’s Health expert, let’s break it down. Why do you get weighed in pregnancy? Primarily to watch for preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. The thing is these two conditions actually don’t have strong ties to weight gain, more to symptoms and other medical tests. As far as monitoring baby’s weight, ultrasound is best for this.

So how can you show yourself more love and trust your body during pregnancy? Ask to get weighed without looking or I love this even more, ask to not be weighed at all. Yep you can request that! This way you have more body autonomy and trust your hunger cues.

Every body/pregnancy is different and we need to start honoring that!!

Much much love, Katie