Breech Baby Tips

Breeched babes...

Hey loves, breeched babe? Deep breath. What can you do to encourage baby to flip?

I love Chiropractic, acupuncture and moxa combo. Here @wellsetdenver we got you! Our chiropractors rock a breeched baby protocol, oh and they are Webster certified 🤰They balance out the pelvis to give baby all the room to flip. 

Now let’s talk moxa. This simple herb is Mugwort which is deeply warming. Moxa is applied to a point on the end of your pinky toe. This points meridian runs right through the pelvis and balances it out. Plus I send each of my patients home with a moxa stick  Along with needles to promote blood flow to the uterus which makes the baby move, we give it our all! Questions? I’m here for ya ~ Katie